Complaints & Feedback

Your opinions matter to us, and we are here to listen, learn and improve.

Whether they are positive or constructive, we welcome your thoughts, suggestions or concerns as your feedback helps us to provide the best experience possible for both you and our staff.

You can share your feedback with us by:

  • Talking to one of our team members
  • Through our Complaints and Feedback form below, or
  • Call us on 1300 730 852

To help us action your feedback in the best way possible, please let us know what happened, who was involved, and when it took place (including dates and times, if possible).

If you wish to receive a follow-up from us, please provide us with your contact details.

After receiving your complaint, we will promptly acknowledge its receipt within three days.

We take all formal complaints seriously and are committed to conducting a thorough investigation. Our goal is to resolve your complaint within three weeks, however in the unlikely event of any delay, we will keep you informed.

Further Escalation (if required)

If you are not satisfied with how your complaint has been handled by the Life Ready Mobile team, you can request an internal review by Life Ready Health Group.

This internal review process can take up to 15 business days for Life Ready Health Group to provide an outcome.

If at any stage you would like an update on your complaint, you can request this by emailing

If you are dissatisfied with the support provided by Life Ready Health Group, we encourage you to contact one of the below external bodies for further assistance:

Western Australia: Health and Disability Services Complaints Office
Victoria: Health Complaints Commissioner
NDIS: NDIS Commission

You can be assured that your complaint will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and will not be recorded in your medical history. Making a complaint will also not impact the quality of care or treatment you receive in the future.



For external advocacy and support during the complaint process, we recommend reaching out to one of the below organisations:

WA: Health Consumer Council
Disability: National Disability Advocacy Program

These advocacy programs are committed to ensuring your rights are protected and your concerns are heard.

Submit a complaint or feedback

Make the first move, and let’s get started. You can choose to remain anonymous if you so wish.

Address: 570 Wellington Street, Perth WA 6000
Postal Address: GPO Box C101, Perth WA 6839
Phone: 1300 730 852
Fax: 08 9264 8244


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Insurance Commission of WA
Home Care Packages
+ all private health insurance funds