Our team of Physio uses clinical diagnostics and insight to help each resident to increase mobility, decrease pain, prevent falls and injuries, and improve the quality of life for our clients.
Aged Care Disciplines
ACFI Assessments
Accurate and clear documentation to ensure compliance and optimise fundingPain Management
Treatment that is compliant to the standards, while not forgetting the individual.Falls Assessments
Timely assessments to ensure that staff and residents’ safety.Mobility Care Plan
Clear and easy for staff to understandOne on One Consultations
Additional services that can be funded privately, through DVA or MedicareExercise Classes
Fun and engaging to get everyone movingManual Handling Training
Staff safety is our priorityEducation
There is no end to learning. Available to staff, residents and family.Registered NDIS Provider
Department of Veteran's Affairs
Insurance Commission of WA
Home Care Packages
+ all private health insurance funds